Gerrit Großmann


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SIS epidemic on a network

I am working on numerical methods (like fast simulations or model reduction techniques) for the analysis of stochastic dynamical processes unfolding on complex networks. My research aims at understanding how stochastic interactions, that are constrained by a network topology, shape collective emerging phenomena such as epidemics, rumors, blackouts in power grids, or burst in biological neural networks. The image shows a continuous-time SIS contagion process (infected nodes in red, healthy nodes in blue) on a geometric network.




Opinion Pieces

Co-supervised Students

  • Jonas Klesen, Research Immersion Lab, 2020.
    Learning vaccine allocation strategies to control epidemic outbreaks on networks
  • Lisa Heidmann, Bachelor thesis, 2020.
    Effects of Interventions on the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Network-based Approach
  • Julian Zimmerlin, Bachelor thesis, 2021.
    Learning Dynamical Processes to Infer the Underlying Network Structure
  • Yan Yan Lau, Bachelor thesis, 2022.
    Adapting the Approximate Master Equations for Realistic Epidemic and Network Dynamics
  • Joshgun Guliyev, Master thesis, 2023.
    Network Reconstruction Using Deep Learning and Sensitivity Analysis
  • Janine Lohse, Research Immersion Lab, 2023.
    Learning the Function of Neural Networks in Deep Weight Spaces
  • Nesara Belakere Lingarajaiah, Master thesis, 2024.
    Small Molecule Generation and Optimization: A GNN-VAE Appraoch
  • Magnus Cunow, Bachelor thesis, 2024.
    Computer-Aided Molecule Generation Using Optimal Transport and Variational Autoencoders

If you are interested in a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis, have a look at our suggested topics.


Theses by G. Großmann:

  • PhD Dissertation Thesis: Stochastic Spreading on Complex Networks (Review version avaliable on Github)
  • Master’s Thesis: Lumping the Approximate Master Equation for Stochastic Processes on Complex Networks (avaliable upon request or at Campus-Bibliothek).
  • Bachelor’s Thesis: Efficient Computation of Likelihoods in Large Markov Models (avaliable upon request or at Campus-Bibliothek).